ArtLab / KunstLab


3D scanning of 18C globe

As part of the Research Master Art History at Utrecht University, this Master-Apprentice research paper was written by first-year student Romée van Oostenbrugge, supervised by Dr. Sanne Frequin. The research was conducted in collaboration with Het Centraal Museum Utrecht (The Netherlands) as the ‘Scheepsglobe’ is a part of the museum’s collection, and the Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Preservation (Madrid). This non-profit organization recorded the Scheepsglobe in 3D in November of 2023.

The virtual ‘Scheepsglobe’ has been selected as The Netherlands’ entry for ‘Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture’, a campaign by the European Commission and the Europeana Initiative, under the auspices of the Swedish and Spanish Presidencies of the Council of the EU, culminating during the Belgian Presidency.

Lees het onderzoeksverslag van Romée hier:
MA Scheepsglobe paper Romée van Oostenbrugge.