
Reconstructing historical perfumes with Geheugen van Geur
What historical recipe can make a perfume, a face wash and delicious-smelling incense in one? On Friday 11 October, the project Geheugen van Geur (Scented Memories), initiated by Jonge Akademie, came together to recreate seventeenth-century recipes for so-called Angel Water. This cosmetic recipe was once very popular, and it was made with fragrant ingredients like…
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Digital reconstruction for Art History in Grote Kerk Naarden
In the last week of August, Grote Kerk Naarden transformed into a digital ArtLab. A team of twelve young researchers from different Dutch universities worked together to create a digital 3D model of the barrel vault of the church. This project marks the start of the 2.5 year restoration of the Grote Kerk, and…
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Highlights from the 2024 Technical Art History Research Days at Utrecht University
Organised by the Department of History and Art History of Utrecht University and the National Research School for Art History (OSK), this year’s “Technical Art History Research Days” took place at the Botanical Gardens and UU’s ArtLab, in Utrecht, on April 4 and 5. Spanning from generous contributions of the UU’s ArtLab members, the highly…
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ArtLab featured on Dutch Television
Last week, the ArtLab was featured on the Dutch tv-show The Secret of the Master (Het Geheim van de Meester). In this show, a team of four experts reconstructs famous historical artworks. The centerpiece of last week’s episode was an emblematic still life painted by the Dutch painter Johannes Torrentius in 1614 (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam). Previous…
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